Computational Linguist

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The Generative AI Path

Computational Linguist offers Generative AI and NLP learning and consultancy services. Initially conceived to provide NLP courses focused on Computational Linguistics, our scope is now to spread the knowledge on Generative AI. Our team of AI trainers and instructors will provide you with all you need to know to master this new technology. 

Our courses (self-paced or live) are intended for a wide range of students. We welcome corporate employees who want to upskill themselves and be ready for this continuously improved Generative AI technology. We also welcome those who are continuously hearing about Generative AI and want to pivot careers, securing a job in the future. Students are very welcome. If you are a high-school student with a particular interest in Artificial Intelligence, Generative AI, Machine Learning or Deep Learning, this is the place to be.

AI companies, we have something for you! We offer AI Training services. Our team has been involved in Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback processes for several of the top AI companies. Our goal is to spread our knowledge and empower your AI tools!

For those seeking a career in AI, we provide career advice, from the skillset you might have, the creation of your CV, and the interview process.

Just let us know how can we help you!

Career advisors

Computational Linguist's team has been in the biggest IT and AI companies in the world. We can say the team has gone through some of the toughest hiring processes. Now, they will provide all that knowledge to you.  The team will help you build your AI portfolio, a strong resumé that outstands the rest of the candidates and will guide you through the interview process.

What else?


Our team focuses on providing the latest AI technologies to our community. That's why we have built some robust GPTs you can use for different purposes. 

See GPTs

GenAI News

GenAI News it the portal where we post the latest announces in the field. Stay tuned by checking it regularly.

See GenAI News

Our team has worked at: